
Bill Grayless, Bass

I was born in Gary Indiana in 1965. My love for music started at a very young age. I would go to Dan’s 3 Corner bar to see my brother play. I thought they were the best band in the world. I would help run their lights, sound board, and they would let me play a couple songs.

Finely, I joined a band ‘called Nature’s Classroom and played with them for about 6 years. I have been in a number of bands since then with my brother in-law Ray “Shorty” Magoo. I have recorded cd’s with Natures Classroom, Low Sevens, and 4-Defy.

I took a break from music while my kids were young, and now I’m back having fun playing with No Excuses. I look forward to growing and sharing my skills with the band!!! I’ll be the one in the back bashing and thrashing the bass providing that thunderous riff that will provide the foundation that let’s everyone else build something great. LET’S FU**ING GOOOOOOOOOO!!!


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